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Garden Bell

Garden Bell

4X11X7 Inches

Garden Bell



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So it goes that our Garden Bell, that charming little contraption, has a plethora of uses. Hang it by your front door, and you'll have the most delightful doorbell you've ever heard. Place it on your back deck to summon the kids for dinner or herald the beginning of a barbecue extravaganza. Fasten it to a gate, and you'll know every time it swings open, or use it to call your horses in for their supper. Shopkeepers, too, will adore it for their store doors. The sound, dear reader, is one of the most beautiful we produce. Modeled after the ice cream bells we once made for Good Humor Ice Cream Trucks, this marvel boasts three clappers inside each of the three gongs. Each time you pull the chain or close the garden gate, you'll be treated to the melodious chorus of nine clappers. Isn't that something?

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