Goat Bells
Keep track of your goats and scare off predators with these quality goat bells. Attach them to a collar and put them on your herd. You'll never lose track of a naughty goat again with these quality goat bells.

Goat Bell and Sheep Bell Knowledgebase
Why use bells for Goats and Sheep?
- Bells will let you know relative location and demeanor of your goats or sheep while you are on other parts of the farm.
- Put the loudest bell on the dominate male sheep or goat and you will know about breeding activity.
- Bells will alert you to predators. Plus, bells help keep predators away.
- Animals get used to the soft tinkling of bells, which has a calming effect on the herd letting everyone know "all is well".
- Bells allow the quick location of a herd on a pasture or range.
- Bells can be used to call sheep and goats in for feeding, saving your voice.
- Know when goats are in your garden before they eat all the tomatoes!
- Goat and sheep bells ring pleasant tones and notes for a peaceful farm.
Click here for our goat bells Click here to view our sheep bells
How to attach a bell to a collar

- Have bell, collar, lighter, and nail. A nylon or leather collar works best.
- Mark the collar a few inches from the buckle. The bell is attached a few inches from buckle so the buckle will be on the side opposite the animal's neck.
- Heat the nail with the lighter. Grip the nail with pliers, and melt a hole in collar.
- Secure the bell by bending the nail into a twisted circle. Horseshoe nails work best.
- Another easy way to secure a bell to a collar is with a simple zip tie.